I was supposed to do so much more this weekend, but the weather has been so hot and humid, it has taken the "juices" out of me :) Today I spent 3 hours watching dressage with my daughter and after we had huge storm here so had to plug the internet connection off. Well, watched another movie, Syriana, it was actually really good :)
Here's what I've done today, a pink flower arrangement for Kathi's Flamingo Inn, a tray of oysters and a turqoise parfume bottle for her beach house. Did the same for the India room as well as a small box and put orange roses to a floor vase, which is actually a thing you put your cigarettes out with :) Hope you like your gifts Kathi, the rest remains a suprise :)
And beign 5 years and 1 day can be really stressful, so one needs to relax, again :D
I just have so much fun with these dogs, they make me laugh so many times in a day :) I had Mr. Pampse today in the stabels with me and he was so funny, didn't know where to go as there was some bread, cat food, horse food, horse poop etc. around and couldn't decide what to eat :D He even jumped to the paddock and started to eat one horses mysli :D Greedy little guy, I should film him sometime, he's just so hilarious :D