Today our grand lady Malozi Chamchela alias Hemse turned 9 years :) Hope that she has many years to come.
Heart Art..
9 tuntia sitten
The blog is nowdays mostly dedicated to 1:12 miniatures, but some other crafts pop up now and then, especially during Christmas time :) Blogi on nykyään omistettu lähinnä 1:12 miniatyyreille, mutta muitakin askarteluja on esillä silloin tällöin, varsinkin joulun aikaan :)
What a very excellent name she has! Hope she does become a GRAND OLDE lady! Happy Bday!
VastaaPoistaHAPPY BIRTHDAY Hemse!!! i hope your mom gives you a nice meaty bone today.
VastaaPoistaHappy Birthday Hemse..x
VastaaPoistaNo, the poor birthday girl didn't get a bone, as the dogs would have a fight over them immediately. Instead she's gotten ham, ravioli, yogurth and candy :D
VastaaPoistaThe dogs have fun names, we have in addition to Hemse Malozi Gumu, Malozi Induna, Turkmen Stam Ceket-Caja and Shah Azim Enczar - the all do have shorter names for every day use :D
Now some more googling - some dagger beads are under hunt :)
Happy birthday to a grand lady with a grand name :)
VastaaPoistaHappy birthday Hemse!
VastaaPoistaoh- she's beautiful! Happy belated Birthday Hemse!